Research through Design and beyond

Research through Design and beyond
Seminar at Design School Kolding

8 October 2019 in the Auditorium, room 0.2

14.15 – 14.30
Coffee and cake– welcome by Anne LouiseBangDirector of Research & Development at Design School Kolding

14.30 – 16.30
Guest lecture by Professor Pieter Jan Stappers, TU Delft.
Research through Design – different perspectives, challenges and criticism.

Facilitated discussion with the audience and Professors Johan Redström, Umeå University;
Jacob Buur, SDU; Thomas Binder, Design School Kolding and Eva Brandt, Design School Kolding. 

16.30 – 17.00
Drinks and snacks

We hope you will join us. To create a fruitful time, we kindly ask you to bring with you: 

  • Questions
    Critical questions or challenging issues you faced when working/ researching with RtD. 

  • Perspectives
    Thoughts concerning limits/advantages of this approach, future directions, future impact
    or levels RtD can/ needs to take in order to obtain ‘useful’/valid knowledge

The purpose is 
to initiate a dynamical discussion of RtD with other researchers at different levels of experience. 

The overall aim is to enhance understanding and reflection concerning application of RtD. With your experience and background, you have probably come along issues that could be a good challenge to discuss.


Open for all, it is free to participate, but please register at Elisabeth Lehner:

What to expect:
GUESTSPEAKER – short presentation

Prof. Dr. Stappers P.J. 

After an education in experimental physics (MSc 1984), Pieter Jan Stappers made the switch to Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft, and followed a research path which led from human perception, spatial imagery, Virtual Reality (PhD in 1992), to design tools and participatory design techniques. His current activities as full professor of design techniques (as of 2002) encompass coordinating the Faculty's Graduate School, being informal director of ID-StudioLab, and heading the research sub-programme on tools and techniques for the conceptual phase of design. Key elements in his work are 'research through design', 'experiential prototypes' and context mapping. 

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