Yanki Lee becomes part-time guest Professor

How do we enable the universality of design?
Researcher and design activist Yanki Lee becomes part-time guest Professor at Design School Kolding in collaboration with the BEVICA Foundation 

At Design School Kolding we are excited to announce Dr Yanki Lee as our 1st Visiting Professor in Universal Design. Yanki Lee will be joining our research team in the Lab for Social Design, one of three laboratories at Design School Kolding dedicated to bridging design and fields of global concern.

Design School Kolding collaborates with the BEVICA Foundation in Denmark to re-introduce the concept of Universal Design (UD) into both research and teaching with the aim to balance theoretical and practical knowledge, academic and real-life practice. One of our initiatives is the appointment of a guest professor to support this focus, and we are proud to be able to welcome Yanki Lee who is an expert on innovative ways to enable the universality of design.

Professor in Social Design Eva Brandt states:

- This announcement is very important for us. Universal Design is a relatively new research field in Denmark, and this first visiting professorship is part of Design School Kolding’s new strategy to focus on and integrate the development of Universal Design in our research and teaching activities. I am delighted about the grant from the BEVICA Foundation, which has made all of this possible. We warmly welcome Yanki Lee, and I along with the rest of the team look very much forward to working with her and drawing on her extensive international networks of inclusive design, social design, design for social innovation and transdisciplinary practice to rethink the applications of Universal Design for our futures.

Read the full story 

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