
Christmas Bazaar 2015

Students exhibit and sell their unique designs
28 - 29
28 November - 29 November

The last weekend of November, Design School Kolding presents 100 stands filled with fantastic designs.

You will be able to talk to the young designers and learn all about the ideas behind the products.

The students themselves organise the annual Christmas Bazaar which has become quite a draw. Last year there were more than 3000 visitors.

The school's cosy café will be serving Christmas snacks and light refreshments. It's a good idea to bring cash.

The Christmas Bazaar is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the entrance fee is DKK 20.

Proceeds benefit a student fund.

Place: Design School Kolding, Aagade 10, Kolding.
Time: 28 - 29 November from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Entrance fee: DKK

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