
Inaugural lecture by Mette Mikkelsen

Design as a force for change A journey through years of design practice.
05 October
Design School Kolding

On Wednesday 5 October at 2.30 pm Mette Mikkelsen will give her inaugural lecture as affiliate professor at Design School Kolding.

Even as a newly graduated textile designer Mette Mikkelsen received great recognition. She was invited to a number of exhibitions and received a number of scholarships.

She was able to advance her design skills and earn even more recognition is her years with the textile manufacturer Gabriel where she was in charge of strategic product development and developing new business areas. One of the projects she did was to create the textiles for DSB – the Danish State Railways.

Mette Mikkelsen has applied the methods of the design profession to completely different areas and has significant knowledge about user driven innovation through cross-disciplinary company collaborations, for instance as project manager for etrans, which was a three-year development project about electric cars.

In her years as head of development at Design School Kolding, Mette Mikkelsen has run a large number of development projects i collaboration with external partners and companies focusing on sustainability, social inclusion and innovation. Among these the project Designing Relations focusing on social inclusion. The project was completed in collaboration with Vejle Municipality and won Local Government Denmark's Innovation Award in 2013.

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