
Louis Rose
Line of study
Design for Planet

Local Discontinuity

MA Design for Planet

HVAD? Hvad skal der til, for at vi genanvender vores ressourcer og praktisere cirkulær økonomi på lokalt plan? Det undersøger designeren i et program, hvor han i tre forskellige faser arbejder med at opgradere organisk affald til noget anvendeligt.

HVORDAN? Hvordan fjerner man barriererne for at få borgeren til indsamle og sortere sit affald. Hvordan forstår man det potentiale, der ligger i at transformere den indsamlede biomasse til nyttigt materiale. Og hvordan gør man brugerne interesserede i at anvende disse nye og ukendte materialer. Det er de tre udfordringer, designeren løser med sit program.

HVORFOR? Vores tøjlesløse ressourceforbrug af blandt andet plastic skaber globale udfordringer. Designeren arbejder imidlertid i lokalsamfundet, hvor borgerne kan handle aktivt, og dermed forandre planeten, bid for bid.

WHAT? What does it take for us to reuse our resources and practice a circular economy at the local level? This is what the designer investigates in a programme where he works in three different phases to upgrade organic waste to something usable.

HOW? How do you remove the barriers that prevent citizens from collecting and sorting their waste? How do you realise the infinite potential of transforming the collected biomass into useful materials? And how do you spark the users’ interest in utilising these new and unknown materials? These are the three challenges the designer tries to solve with his programme.

WHY? Our unbridled resource consumption of plastics, among other things, creates global challenges. The designer works in the local community, however, where citizens can act actively and thus change the planet, one step at a time.

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