Climate run through Kolding

A group of Design School Kolding students warm up for the UN climate conference COP21 in Paris

- You can’t run to Paris by yourself but together we can!

With this encouragement for others to join, students Margherita Dell’Era and Sofia Charlotta Ivarsson prepare for the Run For Your Life - a 4300 kilometre relay race from Kiruna in Northern Sweden to Paris, France.

Run For Your Life arrives in Kolding on 20 November. For two days Danish volunteer runners and organisations, including Design School Kolding students, will run 4 kilometres each as part of a total distance of 330 kilometres through Denmark. The relay changes hands in Kolding on 21 November at 1AM.

To celebrate the event, Nicolai Cinema will show Naomi Klein’s climate documentary ‘This Changes Everything’. Furthermore, the run will be live streamed from 7.30PM until 2AM.

The goal is to put personal faces and stories on abstract and difficult climate debates while sending a clear signal about the importance of creating a sustainable future in connection with the climate conference COP21.

Students from Design School Kolding invite everyone to put on their running shoes. Show up at Nicolai or sign up on Facebook

- We hope to gather as many people as possible to show that we care about each other and the world that we live in, says Margherita Dell’Era and Sofia Charlotta Ivarsson.

Run For Your Life continues south and reaches the German border at 11AM on 22 November.

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