ECCO book with feeling

Design School Kolding publishes book on shoe design together with ECCO.

Shoe Design Fueled by Feeling is the title of the publication on shoe design which Design School Kolding has just published in collaboration with ECCO.

The book shows the end results of a four-week workshop at Design School Kolding supported by ECCO, in which 7th semester students from Fashion, Textiles, and Industrial Design were given the task of creating three shoes per cross-disciplinary group: A wild, artistic shoe design for the catwalk. A mild, commercial shoe design that one could imagine finding in an everyday shoe store. And a design which sat well in the middle between the wild and the mild shoe.

The projects demonstrate the creative potential in striving to bypass rationality and feeding your design process directly from the powerful source of intuition and resonant feeling in the irrational machinery of the mind.

The workshop was organised as part of the school's partnership agreement with ECCO and facilitated by Designer and Teacher Michael Frederiksen who is also the man behind the publication.

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