Graduation 2014

It is always a draw when Design School Kolding’s new designers present their graduation projects to the public.

Again, this takes place at the Museum Koldinghus where medieval walls serve as the backcloth for a number of new suggestions for the future direction of the Danish design tradition anno 2014.

It’s all there: Fashion and textiles, illustration, interaction and graphics, and industrial products. Created, rethought and not least reinterpreted to appear in an all-new context.

- Designers are trained to analyse ”wicked problems”, that is problems which are so complex that a single solution is rarely enough. At the same time designers are able to visualize the potential solutions so everyone can relate to them, says Rector Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen.

More than 80 students graduate from Design School Kolding this summer and will be participating in the exhibition, which will contain a variety of interesting objects and concepts, among these a wardrobe of leg prostheses, a new visual musical note system, and a suggestion for how to weave a plough furrow.

Throughout their study period, all of the new designers have been dressed for success with the capacity for strategic, aesthetic and innovative thinking. Therefore, they are great candidates for becoming the radical innovators which politicians, organisations and industry are telling us they need.

- The new designers are artisans, theorists, aesthetics, data collectors, innovators, and so much more. Yet most importantly, what drives them is a commitment and a vision to create a better world, Danish Design Association said about last year’s exhibition.

Time and place
Graduation 2014 opens at Museum Koldinghus on 25 June and the exhibition closes on 28 September.

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