New borderless library

New collaboration between the Design School and the Southern Denmark University Library.

Education and information flow know no boundaries. Therefore Design School Kolding and the Southern Denmark University Library have just set up a joint agreement for their library operations.

- It's important that we support our researchers and students, and since we have joint education and research activities with the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), making a joint agreement seemed obvious. I think we will all benefit from it, says Anne-Mette Hummel Holm, Head of Administration at Design School Kolding.

The two institutions are located right next to each other with only a parking lot between them, and the idea is that the new joint venture will bring the institutions even closer.

- There will be two actual libraries. In addition we have just hired a joint information specialist whose primary obligations will be at Design School Kolding but who will also engage in teaching and guidance activities at the library at SDU. This enables us to establish a flow between the two educational settings, says Gitte Bach Markussen who is manager of the SDU library.

The new information specialist starts 1 October in a 3-year position which matches the collaboration agreement between the two institutions.

Apart from teaching, communication and counselling the agreement includes back office assignments: All the more or less hidden functions that are required to make a library run. At the same time Design School Kolding will continue to man the existing library with a receptionist and with time, the library may be redesigned. Finally, the agreement also contains an analysis and possible collaboration about e-licenses.

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