Shanghai on speed

What does the Chinese city look like at first sight? The really quick answer: “squinting” and mobile

Show us your impression of ”crazy, surprising, incredible, remarkable” Shanghai in 3 minutes and 30 seconds! Less than 24 hours after arriving in Shanghai, Stephan Saaltink, Head of Communication Design, put the students to work.

Until the end of December, 37 students from Design School Kolding – 30 from Industrial Design, Communication Design, Fashion and Textile Design and seven from the Design Management programme – will be working with Chinese students from the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai.

Ten students decided to face the challenge and captured their impressions on their smartphones. The results were presented in the form of very entertaining Pecha Kucha extreme films. Extreme because the speed was twice the normal speed: 20 slides in 200 seconds!

The guide of the domestic cat
A jury comprising one representative from Tongji University and one from Design School Kolding found it also extremely difficult to choose the three best presentations.

In third place came Rune Hedinsson Ellingsgaard’s photoshoot ’Scooters of Shanghai’. Plenty of those, Rune found.

Rebecca Christiansen Houmøller came in second with a funny story about the cat Muskat’s personal guide to the Chinese city.

The winner was a staged story about a “new” Chinese thingy:

- Hi my name is Johanne. I want to talk to you about an electronic device that I discovered in China. It’s an authentic piece of cultural electronics that the Chinese carry with them always. And so Johanne Katrine Knudsen Ib started her lecture on an unfamilar electronic device called the smartphone.

- You see them everywhere in Shanghai, and they are very popular, she said.

The Chinese audience was quite amused with this and the rest of the presentations. And so, ten different stories bridged the gap between East and West and paved the way for their month-long collaboration.

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