Students display shoes virtually

Experimental shoe designs are the outcome of a cross-disciplinary collaboration between ECCO and students from Industrial Design and Fashion & Textiles.

Every year, Design School Kolding students work with shoe manufacturer ECCO to challenge conventional notions of the wear and look of shoes. This year, a selection of the experimental shoe designs have made it into The Virtual Shoe Museum's blog and are also exhibited at the fair WhatAboutShoes in Berlin and at Czech Bata Shoe Museum and Au Park Kosice in Slovakia.

From The Virtual Shoe Museum's blog:

- This approach, which combines the strictness of industrial design with the more dreamy, intuitive working methods of fashion world, has resulted in a number of highly innovative shoes.

The Virtual Shoe Museum was started by Graphic Designer Liza Snook in 2005 and is an online mueseum for experimental shoe designs.

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