Projekt Troldhedestien

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Project Type
Development project - Lab for Social Inclusion
Project Period
February 2017 - June 2017
Project Management
Laila Grøn Truelsen
Real Dania, Kolding Municipality, Møller & Grønborg A/S
Participant from Design School Kolding
Joan Pedersen

Room for Everyone

By involving current and future users Kolding Municipality plans to map the needs and wishes associated with the area along the Troldhede Trail (a public trail established on an abandoned railway line). The visions of the citizens are going to form the basis of the future work by the landscape architects and be an inspiration for the draft sketches that will be ready this summer. Design School Kolding is part of this project having coined the phrase SUPERBRUGERE (super users), and both citizens and staff from the affected areas and institutions have been selected.

In the coming years, the Troldhede Trail will be expanded with new venues and activities along the almost 10 km stretch from Fynsvej to Dybvadbro Station in Kolding Municipality. The old railway line is intended to be an attractive place for all citizens – including the physically, visually and mentally impaired and also the socially vulnerable, who currently do not use the area very much. The goal is that getting together in the open space will create a new feeling of community among citizens with widely different backgrounds.

In the first phase of the project meeting places and experiences for everyone will involve the development of Dybvadbro Station and the Bramdrupdam pond. Communication and storytelling will be strengthened along the line, and a corps of forest runners will be established who will support the activities and the community spirit. Finally, accessibility is going to be improved in order to facilitate participation in the experiences for the walking impaired and wheelchair users. Design School Kolding’s LAB for Social Inclusion, in collaboration with Kolding Municipality and the architectural firm Møller & Grønborg, will conduct a study of the area's users and the development opportunities.


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