Designing Relationships, Accessibility and Inclusive Design


Project type
Research project
Project period
Project management
Richard Herriott, Assistant Professor, PhD
Participating from Design School Kolding
Richard Herriott, Assistant Professor, PhD

Designing Relationships, Accessibility and Inclusive Design

The research aims to discover what differences exist in applicability of user-centered design when the scale, duration and complexity of the project varies in comparison to the area for which it was first developed.

Using a development project undertaken by the Development Department at Design School Kolding called Designing Relationships and data gathered in that project, we will implement a study that will analyze how design and design processes have impacted the project and created innovative solutions. This work will serve as raw data for research in the area of Accessibility and Inclusive Design.

The research will include how user participation in design for hospital architecture differs from that in other similarly scaled projects in other area.


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