Design for change #2

So the last post from me was about a project called Design for change, but you guys never got to see the result, as we weren't finished yet. (You can see my last post here)

But now the project is done! I have been looking so much forward to showing you this, because this is probably the most finished project I have been a part of - meaning that this time, we do not only have sketches and say "this is what it would look like". It's actually there. And it feels so good to see all the ideas we have had, all the discussions, all the choices, made into real clothes and a finished project.

The school even hired a photographer for us so we could have a photoshoot and some nice pictures for our portfolios. 

I think I speak of behalf of the whole group, Julie and Kristine, when I say that we are quite happy with the result. And tired. Very, very tired! During the final week of the project I was at school for about 66 hours (in the course of five days). Whatever, I can sleep when I grow old or something... 

The next time you hear from me, it'll be about China. So exited!

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