Fabulous Fabric Shopping in Paris

Who said that the life of a fashion student can't be glamorous from time to time? Okay, it was me who said that. But my resent trip to Paris has proven the opposite: I had a comfortable flight, a hotel room with view of the Eiffel Tower and the “Moulin Rouge” as my neighbour (Let's not mention the numerous sex shops, to keep this article fancy)! 

Nope, I neither won the recent Jackpot nor did I marry a handsome millionaire. It just happened that I won the category “Menswear” in the Gyldne Pelsnål 2012 competition and the prize was a weekend in Paris. 

Smart and wise as I am, I saved the prize for my graduation project to combine comfort with the inevitable: Fabric shopping.

Shopping for fabrics is my personal trouble spot that frequently keeps me tense and shiftless. Don't get me wrong, I am aware of the importance of well selected fabrics in a collection and nothing pushes my ideas for styles better than a fabulous fabric. It's just the fact, that you have to find it first! 

It's like this: You have your mood board, your color card and even some early sketches… and you have a clear idea of what kind of fabric you would like to use. Of course, it is just in your head, but maybe somewhere out there the fabric exists, waiting for you (or for the fashion student, who is faster than you) to find it. And Paris is one of these cities where you can possibly make your dream come true… while you are going broke.

My weekend in Paris ended thankfully like a Woody Allen movie: I had my happy end. Amazing fabrics in even more amazing colors, sunshine, well-dressed men on the street and incredible food! 

I wish I could win a prize every year!


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