The stressful weeks are over

You know how you start to get comfortable in a new place and you start to like it and then suddenly, bam, you have to leave!?

That is exactly my situation. Submissions done! Exam done! The stressful weeks are over and this is my final blog post as well.

It seems like just yesterday I arrived in this small town, Kolding, and it is already the end of the semester and it’s time for me to go back home to my home institute in India.

The last week of June was filled with goodbyes. All the exchange students were leaving, one by one. I am sad but at the same time excited to go back home. Packing is taking forever which is surprising because before I came here my bags were packed and ready two months before. Now, it’s just a few days before I get on the flight home and I haven’t packed!

It has been a great semester with a lot of learning experiences to take back with me. My semester here at Design School Kolding was filled with a lot of twists and turns, of learning and exchanging knowledge, making new friends and surviving through the hard times and enjoying the happy times, learning a new language (but sadly I haven’t got too far with it) and a lot more.

I have had different courses here and I have learned and improved over the semester. I only wish the semester could be longer!

All the best from Akanksha.

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