When design becomes a work injury

We have for the first time in several years theory classes again. I have deluded myself into believing it would be piece of cake due only having class from 9,30 to 14,30 compared to usually where we work into the night.


We have two weeks of Theory of Science and then two weeks of Design methodology.

And oh my god! I now know why I have chosen a creative education. I am trying to keep up but it simply does not have my interest, which I am only attending to pass the class.


From the original plan...

My plan was to pick up my son early from daycare, right after class, to spend as much time with him now, so I wont feel as guilty when my final master project comes around.

But as always I have involved myself in too many projects and is now dealing with an overbooked calender.


... to an overbooked calander

From only going to classes wanting to be with my son and relax before it all starts in December, I now have a workshop, a small project, a textile competition, a website to make and two applications for scholarships to do in my sparetime, my work for the school where I show guests around the school, blog and assist on the digital printer while I also manage the Social Media for H2O Sportswear. How on earth did all of this happen?


Work injury?

I seriously think I have a been injuried by my work. 

It somehow took me a pregnancy to understand how to work in a Design process and how to use my skills in the right sense. After becoming a mom, my work has become my freetime and I have a hard time not being able to work.

I have a boyfriend that have made it possible for me to work as much as I do while having a family. We have arranged that we are all home in the afternoons being a family, having dinner together. I can thereafter work from home or go back to school while my boyfriend puts our son to bed. 


No sleep

I haven’t slept through in 1 1/2 years and I think I have gotten use to it. I have become very good at working at night, and as a more passionated designer I would rather stay up a couple of nights to finish my project and therefore also have time for my family.


My best descision was to have a child

For me it has been important to have my boyfriends support to complete this education while having a child. A child has for me enhanced my work and made me a better designer. And for those considering getting children while taking this education, I can definitely say it was good for me and I wouldn't hesitate to have more if I wasn't finishing the education.

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