Joint camp on social innovation

On 28 September we open our doors to 30 international students who will work with Danish students and companies to create social innovation through design. You can sign up for the camp’s open events now - and at half price if you graduated from here.

It all takes place at the school’s annual DesignCamp, which this time round focuses on how design and innovation can be used to improve societal conditions and create social and economic value.

More than 10 regional companies, including EasyFood, S.A. Christensen, Kolding Havn, Mungo Park and Our Daily Heroes, have signed up to collaborate with the students who will use design methods to develop new ideas and concepts that enable the companies to work focused with social innovation. The solutions will be based on the companies’ existing resources and competences, and the idea is that short-term or long-term they will be able to implement them into their business model.

You can join
In addition to the StudentCamp for specially invited master’s degree students, the camp also includes a Business Conference on 29 September and a Masterclass on 29 and 30 September (max 20 participants), which zoom in on social innovation and how and why to address it. Everyone can register. Design School Kolding graduates can register at half price.

Facts about socio-economic companies
In Denmark and the rest of the world more and more socio-economic enterprises emerge. One that has been around for a long time is TV Glad (TV Happy), which is part of Glad Fonden and the world’s first TV station for and with people who are mentally challenged.

A socio-economic company is a company that:

  • has a social or public mission
  • reinvests its economic profit
  • acts on market terms but typically competes on different conditions that its ”competition”
  • builds on a certain degree of democracy
  • Is independent of the public sector in the way it is set up

Source: Social+ 

DesignCamp2015 is organised in collaboration between Design School Kolding, D2i - Design to innovate, Syddansk Vækstforum, TREFOR and the EU Social Fund.

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