The President has arrived!

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited green pioneer Design School Kolding

On Saturday the German Head of State began the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the current Danish-German border by visiting Design School Kolding. Steinmeier, who formerly served as foreign minister on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government, has a special interest in the efforts of the international society to solve the climate challenges and had expressed a desire to see how Design School Kolding addresses this particular challenge.

- Design School Kolding is somewhat of a pioneer when it comes to education and research in design and a green transistion. For many years we have worked strategically with the advancement of sustainability by use of design methods, design processes and design approaches, said Lene Tanggaard when greeting the President and his wife Elke Bündenbender.

Accompanied by the Lord Mayor of Rostock Claus Ruhe Madsen, German’s Vice Foreign Minister Michele Münteferig and others, Steinmeier and his wife were introduced to creative and experimental ways of designing and producing sustainable shoes and bags in a just completed course with ECCO.

The President also got to visit the school workshops to explore student and research projects first-hand before meeting with a group of students to discuss climate issues, a subject to which the students have a personal and professional dedication. The subject is also very much on the agenda of the current German election campaign.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier will continue the celebrations on Sunday in Haderslev where he will meet HM Queen Margrethe II, HRH Crown Prince Frederik and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen for the official celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border.

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