New setting, same people: Mudita

Mudita Agarwal, first-year master's student, talks about her choice to pursue a degree in the Design for People programme.

Design School Kolding is transforming. For this exciting transformation, the school has temporarily relocated. While our setting has changed, the strong community and shared passion for design within Design School Kolding remains the same.

In the series “New setting, Same people”, members of the institution will give an insight into their part in this community. Today, we give you Mudita Agarwal, first-year master's student Communication Design, focusing on Design for People.


What inspires and/or fascinates you?

I am fascinated by people, stories, and little bits of humour in everyday life. I am someone who likes to move around, explore, and engage in activities to not get bored easily and who opens up many new opportunities to experience work, culture, and of course food!


What is your background?

I did my bachelor’s in Graphic Design from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad in India. After that, I worked for a little over 4 years as a visual designer and researcher primarily in the service design industry. I worked in the space of healthcare, fintech and education before making the choice to pursue a Master’s degree programme.


Why did you choose to study at Design School Kolding? And why the Design for People programme?

While I was growing professionally, I felt I wanted to strengthen my theoretical foundation and explore the different methods that were in practice to design with and for people. With this intent, I came across the Design for People programme that I felt clicked with me. It would help me hone my professional practice while allowing me to incorporate my discipline in it.


What would be your dream assignment?

A project that allows me to travel to a place I haven't visited, learn about the community, and explore new food! Design for me isn't just about the work and the craft but also the constant learning through different experiences. It helps to understand so much more about the people!


And what are you most excited about while the school is being transformed?

As a student who has experienced only the temporary building, I am looking forward to seeing the OG foundation. It also means our batch (hopefully) will graduate from there and that would be special.


Stay tuned for more interviews with community members of Design School Kolding.

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