Play User Lab


September 2015 – August 2020
Project Management
Capital of Children, Billund
Collaboration partners
Capital of Children, Billund / SDU Institut for Entreprenørskab og relationsledelse / LEGO Foundation / Design to Innovate, D2i / EU Regional Fund / Vækstforum Syddanmark
Design methods, user involvement, play, learning, children, competence development
Lab for Play and Design
Participating from Design School Kolding
Pia Schytz, Jesper Falck Legaard, Jess Uhre Rahbek, Line Gad Christiansen, Mathias Poulsen, Keila Zarl Perez Quinones, Hanne Hede Jørgensen, Anne-Lene Sand

Play User Lab

Play User Lab is for companies that wish to design for future play. It is a collaboration between Design School Kolding and the Capital of Children, Billund.

The Play User Lab is offered to small and medium-sized companies whose businesses focus on play, learning and creativity and who intend to create growth and jobs in and around the company. The company should be focused on development and manufacture of products for children.

During the four-year project, 30 companies will be offered six-month group programmes for 3-4 companies.

The purpose of the Play User Lab is to strengthen the competitive performance of companies working with play, learning and creativity by increasing their innovation skills and user focus in order to enable them to lead the way in how to design for future play.

The companies learn to apply design methods in their work processes through competence development and by testing these on their own cases. They learn a systematic way to release their creative potential and will subsequently be able to see a significant increase in their innovation level when they develop strategies, products and services.

Play User Lab is a collaboration under the framework of Design to innovate – D2i. The project is funded by Syddansk Vækstforum, the EU Regional Fund, the LEGO Foundation and Capital of Children, Billund. The project is run by Capital of Children Office A/S and Design School Kolding in collaboration with the LEGO Foundation. Combining the expertise of these three project partners enables a unique innovation platform that is not seen anywhere else in Denmark.

Pop-up book: Designing the future of play for and with children

This book contributes insights, recommendations and inspiration for the valuable creation of future play design. All based on interdisciplinary collaboration between professionals and those for whom it is designed - the children.

Pop-up bog: Design af fremtidens leg for og med børn

Design methods

Discover the methods and download them for your own use here.



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