Huge pat on the back for new designers

Lidia Ruiz Diaz and Hafsa Jamal receive honorary award and DKK 50,000 for their Master's project 'Daydreaming Landscapes'

15 Juni Fonden has awarded its honorary awards to young artists and designers for 2022. The jury has selected eight extraordinary talents (including 2 design duos) and rewarded their final works with DKK 50,000 each.

Among the recipients are Lidia Ruiz Diaz and Hafsa Jamal, who have a Master's Degree from Design School Kolding with a specialization in communication design and play. They receive the honour for their joint Master's project 'Daydreaming Landscapes'.

The designers have worked with new ways to install joy of reading in children and have focused on creating spaces for daydreaming in the libraries. With a focus on play, interaction, and storytelling, they have created an experience environment that allows users to enter a fantasy performance where the elements of the room lend themselves to play and interaction that helps the mind to invent stories.  

With the award, 15. Juni Fonden wishes to give the honorary award recipients an appreciative pat on the back, as well as a financial helping hand, in the hope that this can help open doors to their future careers in art and design.

Congratulations to the two designers and to the rest of the award recipients.

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