Island Matters

DesignCamp 2021


Project title
Island Matters - DesignCamp 2021
Project type
MA1 course across People, Planet and Play
Project period
25 January - 5 February 2021
Gourmet Bornholm / Bornholms Landbrug & Fødevarer / BOFA / Makers' Island / Natur Bornholm / A/S Læsø Fiskeindustri / Læsø Tang / Læsø Tangtage
Participating from Design School Kolding
Louise Aagard, Keila Zari Pérez Quiñones, Barnabas Wetton, Adam Montandon, Astrid Mody
Knowledge base
The event brings together experts across practice, research, artistic research and industry

About Island Matters

What if we could explore possible courses of action or new values in isolated areas in
need of self-sufficiency and regeneration?

The year 2020 may be one of the most transformative years of our lifetimes. The normalities we enjoyed at the beginning of the 21st century are no longer possible. Traveling on a whim is frowned upon, hugging in public give us the feeling of having done wrong, and living sustainably is imperative.

We have entered the era of rethinking what our normality means. This has made us realise that the societal systems we have built may no longer be in line with values we deem important.

Islands have certain qualities that make for a more plausible study and exploration of new possibilities, causes and effects. Much like the rest of the world, they need new reconfigurations of life. The interconnectivity of issues within an islands geographical limitation might put extra pressure for these reconfigurations to happen urgently and precisely.

At DesignCamp 2021 Island Matters - Speculative Fabulations of Possible Futures we take our starting point in Danish islands, which we will use as case studies for pilot projects. We aim to gain research insights from the rest of the world to arrive at potential scenarios that have a global relevance. Under the three research focuses the institution is committed to: Design for Planet, Design for People and Design for Play, students will approach specific Danish islands and outskirts as case studies.

What if...?

Making use of speculative design as a tool for imagining worlds that can be radically different, students will produce tangible stories & objects based on potential new systems of the near future.

They will explore the power of ‘Speculative Fabulation’ inspired by Donna Haraway, an approach to make suggestions for new realities around our physical and social environments.

Rather than developing fully polished concepts, the purpose of Camp 2021 is to reframe problems to ‘What if...’ questions that serve as design strategies for understanding both the present and the future.

Through speculative fabulations we combine knowledge, human insights, technologies and consideration for all living species to enact possible scenarios. Making use of storytelling as a tool for communicating their possibility.

Design School Kolding’s camp is distinguished for being a complex social fabric that meshes students, teachers, industry experts and collaborative partners.

DesignCamp 2021 Solutions

Partner companies


Gourmet Bornholm
Food industry & culture 

Bornholms Landbrug & Fødevarer
Agriculture and food producing

(Food) waste management

Makers' Island
Arts and crafts organization

Natur Bornholm 
Nature conservation visitor center


A/S Læsø Fiskeindustri

Læsø Tang
Seaweed as material for roofs, buildings, food etc.

Læsø Tangtage



Island videos

Island videos

Bornholm with Credits
Læsø with Credits


Check out the full two-week programme

Open lectures

Join the DesignCamp2021 Open Lectures Programme
Small Talks can have a BIG impact

The future? What for?
Why should the industry and designers think about the future?

Tourism, Islands & Identity
by John Hird
How do you we understand, develop and design places?

Re-designing island life Pitfalls and Potentials
by Morten Krogh

Storytelling and the power of Big sticks
by Adam Montandon

Narratives and Feelings
by Barnabas Wetton

Stop motion workshop
by Tina Klemmensen

Zoom link for ALL lectures:


Organisation and Camp Team

DesignCamp2021 is part of LINKED, which is a project within the Danish Government's growth plan for creative industries.

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