Student Life in Japan

This is my first post to you and i would like to share my work experience in Japan. I really appreciate, that DK enables the freedom and the possibility to act for myself and create a personal study schedule within the Master’s program. Otherwise I wouldn’t sit at the computer on a remote Japanese island and tell you about my work here.

So far I worked with three Japanese artisans, who are specialized in Shibori (tie-dyeing), Indigo-dyeing and mud/bark-dyeing. How I found these artisans? It is a long and complex story so let’s just say, I’m pretty lucky to get introduced to such ancient and unique techniques.

My first little Internship was at Suzusan (run by the Murase family) in Arimatsu-shi near Nagoya. Suzusan ( are producing high-quality and delicate accessories and luminaires covers with very complex and time consuming Arimatsu Shibori techniques. They are also working together with famous fashion brands like Dior and Wunderkind and sell their goods in exclusive Shops in Paris, Tokyo etc.

I helped them for a big order for a Tokyo luxury department store and got introduced to a couple of techniques. Please watch the video to get more info about Shibori:



At the moment I am on Amami-Oshima, a remote Japanese Island in direction to Taiwan. It is famous for its delicate silk (Amami-tsumugi) and Dyeing with Indigo, mud and tree bark. Despite the seclusion of the Island, the products are also oversea in great demand. I work for the Kanai family and their company kanaikougei ( in Tatsugo, Amami-Oshima. Kanaikougei worked together with well-known Fashion labels like Issey Miyake and Yoshij Yamamoto, but is also working close with local companies and people. Even if it is physically tough work, I really enjoy working here and decided to stay longer than actually planned.

So far to my daily “student life” in Japan! See you soon



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