A recipe for eating together by Johanne Ib



Johanne Ib
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design

A recipe for eating together - a conversation and creation tool for meaningful food experiences.

MA Design for People / Communication Design

Johanne Ib has created a Food Design Lab, investigating potential future scenarios through collaborations and knowledge production based on design experiments with participants, using both participatory design and performance theory.

HVAD? Et samtale- og skaberværktøj til meningsfulde madoplevelser.

HVORDAN? I et selvskabt laboratorium for mad og måltids-design har Johanne Ib eksperimenteret sammen med forskellige grupper af deltagere, og undersøgt hvad der gør en meningsfuld madoplevelse - og hvad oplevelsen gør for den sociale interaktion.

HVORFOR? Studier viser, at fællesskabet er en væsentlig del af dansk madkultur. Men den danske madkultur er under pres; flere og flere spiser alene og mange føler sig ensomme, når de sidder ved middagsbordet. Med konceptet ’A recipe for eating together’ ønsker designeren at bidrage til udviklingen af vores madkultur og mulighederne for fælles madoplevelser.

WHAT? A conversation and creation tool for meaningful food experiences.

HOW? In a self-created laboratory for food and meal design, Johanne Ib has experimented with different groups of participants and studied what makes a food experience meaningful – and what that experience does to promote social interaction.

WHY? Studies show that community is an essential part of Danish food culture. But this culture is under pressure; more and more people eat alone and many feel lonely when sitting at the dinner table. With the concept ‘A Recipe for Eating Together’, the designer wants to contribute to the development of the Danish food culture and the opportunities for shared food experiences.

A recipe for eating together

A recipe for eating together - Koldinghus

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