
Sara Brixen
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design
Project type

Rundt er sundt

Industrial Design / Design for People / MA

Rundt er sundt
Mange ældre i Danmark er underernærede, fordi de har svært ved få indtaget den rette mængde kalorier og proteiner, der skal til for at leve et sundt liv. Det medfører bl.a. tab af både muskelmasse og energi til at klare dagligdagens gøremål. Derfor har Sara Brixen, i samarbejde med Det Danske Madhus og en række ældre deltagere, co-designet et koncept med bl.a. proteinrige snacks i genkendelig emballage, et redskab, hvor den ældre kan holde øje med sit helbred, samt en ny og nemmere metode at tilgå køb af dette produkt.

Healthy diet for active living
Many elderly people in Denmark are underernourished, because they struggle to get sufficient calories and protein to lead a healthy life. Among other consequences, this leads to a loss of muscle mass and less energy for dealing with everyday activities. To address this, Sara Brixen worked with the meal service firm Det Danske Madhus and a group of senior project participants to co-design a concept that includes protein-rich snacks in recognizable packaging, a tool for the elderly person to monitor their health and a new, simpler way to add this component to access the product.

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