Spil omfavner LGBTQ+ børn by Josephine Flohr Falberg



Josephine Flohr Falberg
Line of study
Design for Planet
Communication Design
Project type

Spil omfavner LGBTQ+ børn

Communication Design / Design for Planet / MA

Spil omfavner LGBTQ+ børn
Rigtig mange børn og unge med en LGBT+ seksualitet mobbes for at være dem, de er. Men hvad nu hvis vi var lidt bedre til at lære at forstå og acceptere hinandens kønsidentiteter og seksualitet? Sammen med LuLuLab har Josephine Flohr Falberg designet et digitalt spil, som skal lære børn at have større forståelse og empati for forskellige seksualiteter. Spillet håndterer den akavede samtale med humor og empati.

Game embraces LGBTQ+ children
Many children and young people who identify as LGBTQ+ are bullied for being who they are. But what if we were better at understanding and accepting each other’s gender identities and sexuality? Together with LuLuLab, Josephine Flohr Falberg has designed a digital game intended to teach children to have more understanding and empathy for different sexualities. The game uses humour and empathy to engage in a conversation about an awkward topic.

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