Tag trygheden med til Mars by Maria Anna Jedryszek



Maria Anna Jedryszek
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design
Project type

Tag trygheden med til Mars

Industrial Design / Design for People / MA

Tag trygheden med til Mars
Hvordan kan vi bringe følelsen af ’hjemme’ med os, den dag vi tager en envejsbillet til Mars for at kolonisere planeten? Sammen med LunAres Research Station har Maria Anna Jedryszek forsket i fortællinger fra folk, der har levet i andre ekstreme miljøer, som en ubåd eller i streng karantæne, og udviklet en personlig ’Mindekapsel’, der medbringer den trygge følelse, duft eller erindring om det hjemlige.

Making Mars homely
How can we bring the sense of ‘home’ with us the day we punch a one-way ticket to Mars to colonize the planet? In collaboration with LunAres Research Station, Maria Anna Jedryszek has studied the stories told by people who have lived in other extreme environments, for example aboard a submarine or under strict quarantine conditions. Based on their experiences, she has developed a personal ‘Memory Capsule’ to bring along the safe and secure feeling, scent or memory of home.

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