Think Twice - Every Little Think Matters by Mona El-Qut



Mona El-Qut
Line of study
Design for People

Think Twice - Every Little Think Matters

MA Design for People / Fashion Design

HVAD? Denne tøjkollektion er skabt med tanke for både social og miljømæssig bæredygtighed. Den er designet og syet i samarbejde med en gruppe flygtningekvinder, og lavet af tekstilaffald fra modeindustrien.

HVORDAN? Med udgangspunkt i flygtningekvindernes kreativitet, håndværksmæssige talenter og virketrang udviklede designeren denne stilfulde og ressourcevenlige kollektion, som også styrker social inklusion, innovation og kvindernes tro på egen styrke. Måske bliver det endda vejen til et job i modeindustrien.

HVORFOR? Flygtninge er en potentiel styrke og økonomisk ressource i vores samfund, hvis arbejdsmarkedet evner at forstå deres baggrund og fjerne barriererne for, at de kan udfolde deres kompetencer.

WHAT? This clothing line has been created with social as well as environmental sustainability in mind. It has been designed and sewn in collaboration with a group of refugee women and is made of discarded textiles from the fashion industry.

HOW? Based on the creativity, craftsmanship, talent and entrepreneurship of the refugee women the designer developed this stylish and resource-friendly collection which also embraces social inclusion, innovation and the women’s belief in their own strength. It may even pave the way to a job in the fashion industry.

WHY? Refugees are a potential power and economic resource in our society, provided the labour market makes an effort to appreciate their background and removes the barriers for them to develop their competencies.

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