Afgangsprojekt by Caroline Freja Langdahl



Caroline Freja Langdahl
Line of study
Project type
EGE Carpets


"I love working with colors and pattern development, both to challenge myself with what I can do, but also to challenge the viewer with what beauty and balance mean."

Med rester af råuld fra sønderjyske fåreavlere og køkkenaffald såsom avocado- og løgskaller har designeren arbejdet med plantefarvning som et miljøvenligt alternativ til kemisk farvning. Baseret på talrige farveeksperimenter og computerteknologi har hun skabt en række tæppemønstre for Ege Tæpper, hvor symmetri og kraftige former udstråler balance og håb om en mere bæredygtig tekstilindustri med mindre spild og brug af skånsomme farvningsmetoder.

Using remnants of raw wool from sheep farmers in Southern Jutland and kitchen waste such as avocado and onion skins, the designer has worked with plant dyeing as an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical dyeing. Based on numerous color experiments and computer technology, she has created a series of carpet patterns for Ege Carpets, where symmetry and bold forms exude balance and hope for a more sustainable textile industry with less waste and the use of gentle dyeing methods.

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