Afgangsprojekt by Sophia Augusta Thulin



Sophia Augusta Thulin
Line of study
Accessory Design
Project type


I år er det 50 år siden, kvinder fik rettigheden til at bestemme over egen krop og liv med indførelsen af fri abort. Men hvordan taler vi om abort – uden skam? Det ønsker designeren at sætte fokus på, og har skabt fem brocher ud fra fem forskellige narrativer og fem personlige fortællinger. De håndlavede brocher kombinerer det kropsbårne med den vigtige samtale, og symboliserer de ordløse historier, det levede liv og friheden i at vælge selv.

This year marks 50 years since women gained the right to decide over their own bodies and lives with the introduction of free abortion. But how do we talk about abortion – without shame? That’s what the designer wants to focus on, so she has created five brooches based on five different narratives and five personal stories. The handmade brooches establish the connection between items worn on the body and the all-important conversation, and they symbolize the wordless stories, the life lived and the freedom to choose for oneself.

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