Afgangsprojekt by Anna Gøtske Kvorning



Anna Gøtske Kvorning
Line of study
Accessory Design
Project type


Mange begynder først at reflektere over og pleje deres spiritualitet i de svære perioder af livet, når de mister eller oplever sygdom tæt på. Dette projekt undersøger, måder at forholde sig til og praktisere det spirituelle. Designeren spørger, hvordan og hvorfor spiritualitet har haft en betydning for mennesker historisk set og i den moderne verden for at kunne realisere et design, der kan hjælpe brugeren med at komme i kontakt med sit spirituelle selv.

Many people only begin to reflect on and nurture their spirituality during difficult periods of their life, when they experience loss or illness up close. This project explores ways to relate to and practice spirituality. The designer poses the question, how and why has spirituality been important to people up through history as well as in the modern world, which enables her to realize a design that can help the user get in touch with their spiritual self.

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