Afgangsprojekt by Felicia Naomi Cherry



Felicia Naomi Cherry
Line of study
Fashion Design
Project type


"In my opinion, design is not just about creating something visually appealing, but also about creating meaningful experiences and authentically communicating messages."

Tøj er ikke bare tøj. Inspireret af egne barndomsminder og ønsket om at skabe æstetisk bæredygtig mode bruger designeren nostalgi, leg og eget aflagt baby- og børnetøj i sin designproces. Nostalgi kan stille et behov for at føle forbundethed i en hurtigt forandrende verden, og affektionsværdi motiverer til genanvendelse af brugt tøj i nyt design. Designeren håber at kunne give voksne adgang til barndomsminder og puste liv til voksenbeklædning ved at tilføje legende genkendelige elementer.

Clothes are not just clothes. Inspired by her own childhood memories and the desire to create aesthetically sustainable fashion, the designer uses nostalgia, play and her own discarded baby and children's clothes in her design process. Nostalgia can satisfy a need to feel connected in a rapidly changing world, and sentimental value motivates the recycling of used clothing into new designs. The designer hopes to offer adults access to childhood memories and bring adult clothing to life by adding playful, recognizable elements.

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