
Maia Ronan
Line of study
Design for Play
Communication Design
Project type
Herlev Hospital


"Jeg brænder for at forstå, hvordan vores sanseoplevelser kan skabe en dybere forbindelse til vores omgivelser."

Udviklet i samarbejde med Herlev Hospitals børneafdeling fungerer dette legende design både som en aktivitet og som en kærkommen distraktion i venteværelset. I en slags meditativ proces kan børn udfolde sig kreativt ved at placere dekorative fliser i forskellige formationer og skabe et vægmaleri i evig forandring. De kan improvisere formationerne eller følge en guide. For at tilgodese brugernes forskellige alder og formåen tilbyder designet varierende niveauer af kompleksitet og engagement.


”I am passionate about understanding how our sensory experiences can bring a deeper connection to our surroundings.”

Developed in collaboration with Herlev Hospital’s children's ward, this playful design is an activity as well as a welcome distraction in the waiting room. In a meditative, absorbing process, children can place together decorative tiles in different formations, creating an ever-changing mural of (self-)expression. They can improvise the arrangements or follow a guide. Acknowledging the varying ages and conditions of the users, the design provides equally varying levels of complexity and engagement.

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