
Maja Damgaard
Line of study
Communication design
Project type
Sankt Pauls Kirke, Aarhus
Sankt Pauls Church, Aarhus C


”Jeg brænder for at undersøge det jeg ikke forstår. Jeg vil gerne bidrage til at vi møder det fremmede med større åbenhed og nysgerrighed.”

Hvilken rolle spiller Folkekirken i kirkegængernes liv og særligt for unges trivsel, spørger designeren i dette projekt. Folkekirken rummer det størst tænkelige aldersmæssige spænd som ramme om livets store begivenheder fra dåb til begravelse. I samarbejde med Sankt Pauls Kirke i Aarhus, undersøger designeren, hvordan Kirken henvender sig til især de yngre generationer og tilbyder et rum for ro, refleksion og forbundethed.


"I am passionate about exploring what I do not understand. I want to contribute to approaching the unfamiliar with greater openness and curiosity."

What role does the Folkekirken (the Church of Denmark) play in the lives of churchgoers and in particular in the well-being of young people? That is the question the designer seeks to answer in this project. The Folkekirken embraces the largest age range imaginable as a setting for life's major events, from baptism to funeral. In collaboration with Saint Paul's Church in Aarhus, the designer explores ways in which the Church communicates with, first and foremost, the younger generations offering a space for tranquility, reflection and connectedness.

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