Afgangsprojekt by Mariagiulia Sardu



Mariagiulia Sardu
Line of study
Design for Play
Communication Design
Project type


"Jeg brænder for at skabe engagerende og meningsfulde oplevelser for de mennesker, jeg designer til, og jeg ønsker at bidrage til at udforske nye designmuligheder gennem leg."

Hvor søger tweens gode råd? Ikke hos bedrevidende voksne. Derfor har designeren skabt en digital platform, som faciliterer kreativ problemløsning og gode råd mellem unge.

Projektet bruger konstruktiv leg til at understøtte kommunikation og kreativ tænkning til at håndtere problemer. Platformen foreslår ord og andre elementer, som brugerne kan kombinere. Brugerne skaber selv eller sammen med venner platformens indhold ved at bruge den som et værktøj til at idéudvikle eller til blot at lege med.


”I am passionate about creating engaging and meaningful experiences for the people I design for, and I want to contribute to exploring new design possibilities through play.”

Where do tweens go to seek advice? Not to know-it-all adults. Therefore, the designer has created a digital platform that facilitates peer-to-peer advice and creative problem-solving among tweens.

The project adopts constructive play to promote communication and creative thinking in order to tackle problems. The platform suggests words and other elements that the users can combine for constructive advice. The users create the content of the platform themselves by using it as a brainstorming tool to ideate with friends on how to solve a problem or they can simply play with it.


Mariagiulia Sardu

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