Afgangsprojekt by Katrine Grønholt Steinbach



Katrine Grønholt Steinbach
Line of study
Project type


"I am inspired by the tranquility that nature can provide. I would like to explore the possibility of conveying nature's serenity through textile design."

Selvom vi mennesker er skabt af natur, så tilbringer hovedparten af os det meste af tiden på afstand af naturen. I en tid med klima og biodiversitet højt på agendaen er det vigtigere end nogensinde, at vi atter forbinder os til naturen. Mange undersøgelser peger også på, at natur er vigtig for vores velbefindende. For at genetablere forbindelsen har designeren gennem interviews undersøgt, hvilke strukturer og farver vi som mennesker forbinder med natur, og på basis af det designet strik beregnet til en interiørkontekst.

Although we humans are created by nature, the majority of us spend most of our time away from nature. In a time when issues surrounding climate and biodiversity are high on the agenda, it is more important than ever that we reconnect with nature. In addition, many studies indicate that nature is vital for our well-being. In order to re-establish that connection, the designer has interviewed people and explored which structures and colours we humans associate with nature, and on that basis, she has designed knitted objects intended for an interior context.

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