Afgangsprojekt by Marie-Louise Lunde Guldager-Nielsen



Marie-Louise Lunde Guldager-Nielsen
Line of study
Fashion Design


”Jeg drømmer om at skabe nye perspektiver og synspunkter igennem mine designs og dermed ændre måden vi opfatter beklædning på i dag.”

Med sine 12 års erfaring som danser i bagagen har designeren en kæmpe passion og forståelse for, hvad musik gør for kroppen og sjælen, og hvilket potentiale for udtryk, der ligger i lyd.

Derfor har hun valgt at designe tre forskellige silhuetter med udgangspunkt i et nyproduceret lydspor og nogle danseres fortolkning af det. Herigennem undersøger hun blandt andet, hvordan man bevæger sig til lyd, og hvordan man kan oversætte lyd til form og materiale.


"I dream about creating new perspectives and viewpoints through my designs, thereby changing the way we perceive clothing today."

With 12 years of experience as a dancer under her belt, the designer has an enormous passion and understanding of the effect of music on the body and the soul, and also of the potential for expression that sound represents.

That is why she has chosen to design three different silhouettes based on a newly produced soundtrack and some dancers' interpretation of it. Through this experiment, she examines, among other things, how a person moves to sound and how sound can be translated into form and material.

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