Afgangsprojekt by Monica Joy & Alberte Freiheit



Monica Joy & Alberte Freiheit
Line of study
Communication design
Project type
Severin Kursuscenter i Middelfart
Severin Conference Center in Middelfart


Mange vil gerne samle skrald, men kun få handler på det. Dette projekt skal motivere flere mennesker til at samle skrald i og omkring Naturpark Lillebælt ved at gøre det til en teambuilding-aktivitet. Med teambuilding-konceptpakken "God Stil" bliver bæredygtighed til en sjov og givende oplevelse for virksomheder og deres ansatte. Designløsningen har en opløftende visuel identitet og tone, fordi designerne vil fremme forandring uden løftede pegefingre.


Many people are interested in collecting rubbish, but few act on it. This project aims to motivate more people to collect rubbish in and around Naturpark Lillebælt by transforming it into a team building activity. With the team building concept package "Good Style" sustainability becomes a fun and rewarding experience for companies and their employees. The design solution has an uplifting, visual identity and tone because it is the designers’ intention to promote change without pointing fingers.

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