Afgangsprojekt by Nilda Pérez Valero



Nilda Pérez Valero
Line of study
Design for Planet
Textile Design


"Jeg brænder for at bevare traditionelle håndværk og forbinde mennesker med naturen gennem tekstiler."

Hvordan kan en alternativ have se ud for dem, der bor i byen, og derfor ikke har adgang til en almindelig have? Tekstildesigneren, der tager afgang med en kandidat i fokusområdet Design for Planet, mener, vi lever i et samfund, der har mistet forbindelsen til naturen og vil tilbyde alternative måder at genoprette den forbindelse. Projektet består af en vertikal have bygget af tekstile strukturer, der tilpasser sig brugerens behov.


"I am passionate about preserving traditional crafts and connecting people with nature through textiles.”

What might an alternative garden look like for people who do not have access to real gardens because they live in urban areas? The textile designer, who will graduate from the MA programme Design for Planet, believes that we live in a society disconnected from nature, and she wants to offer alternative ways to reconnect with nature. The project consists of a vertical garden built from textile structures that adapt to the user’s needs.


Nilda Pamela Valero

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