
Pierre Dorion
Line of study
Design for Play
Industrial Design
Project type
Sct. Michaels SFO i Kolding
Sct. Michaels after school care in Kolding


”Jeg har altid været en nørd. Så jeg interesseret mig for alt med relation til sci-fi. Mine designs forandrer måske ikke verden, men kan de bringe et smil frem hos folk, er det indsatsen værd.”

Børn og våben hører ikke sammen! Eller gør de...? Designeren ønsker at udfordre de tabuer, der gør, at vi som voksne reagerer mod børns krigslege. Tværtimod mener han, at legene med ’skydefingre’ og legetøjspistoler er godt for børnenes motorik og selvtillid, og at de lærer at håndterer aggressioner på en sjov og legende måde.

Derfor har han designet workshops i samarbejde med SFO’er, hvor børnene selv bliver actionhelte, bygger deres egne fantasifulde våben og arrangerer kreative kamplege, i stedet for at indordne sig under mediernes virkelige krigsbilleder.


“Right out of the bat, I'm a nerd so I'm into everything sci-fi related. My creations may not change the world, but if it brings a smile onto someone's face, it was worth the effort.” 

Children and guns don't belong together! Or do they…? The designer wants to challenge the taboos that make us, as adults, react against children engaging in war games. On the contrary, he believes that playing with 'finger guns' and toy guns promotes the children's motor skills and self-confidence, teaching them to deal with aggression in a fun and playful manner.

That is why he has designed workshops in collaboration with after-school programmes, where the children themselves become action heroes, build their own imaginative weapons and organize creative fighting games, rather than conforming to the media's actual images of war.

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