
Natalia Gajo
Line of study
Design for Play
Industrial Design
Billund Kommune
Billund Municipality


"Jeg brænder for at finde muligheder for leg i hverdagens situationer. Jeg drømmer om at gøre vores offentlige rum mere legende, levende og venlige over for mennesker."

Det er de færreste byer, som sætter det gode børneliv i centrum, når byen skal udvikles – men det gør man i ’børnenes hovedstad,’ Billund. Det bidrager designeren til med sin legevenlige gentænkning af byens busstation, som hver eneste dag besøges af både lokale børn og jævnaldrende turister.

For at forstå brugernes ønsker har hun involveret nogle af byens børn i designprocessen gennem kreative workshops. Projektet ligger i krydsfeltet mellem leg, byrum og demokrati, og udforsker, hvordan børn kan føle sig velkomne i byen, og fornemme et medejerskab.


“I'm passionate about finding opportunities for play in every-day situations. I dream of making our public spaces more playful, alive and people friendly.”

Very few cities incorporate children’s welfare as a key consideration in the development of the city, but the 'children's capital', Billund, is an exception. Through her playful redesign of the city's bus station, which is visited every single day by both local children and tourists of the same age, the designer contributes to this vision.

In order to appreciate what the users want she has involved some of the city's children in the design process through creative workshops. The project lies at the crossroads between play, urban space and democracy, exploring how children can feel welcome in the city and develop a sense of co-ownership.

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