Afgangsprojekt by Selma Bækkeskov Momme



Selma Bækkeskov Momme
Line of study
Design for Planet
Textile Design
Project type


”Jeg drømmer om at arbejde bredt og eksperimenterende med det tekstile håndværk, materialer, mønstre og farver, samt at bidrage med kvalitet og skønhed til verdenen.”

I foråret spirer oversete blomster langs de danske grøfter. For at knytte bånd mellem vejkantens flora og hjemmet har designeren ud fra dogmet ”dugen som et vævet kunstværk” skabt en serie damaskduge til Georg Jensen Damask. Damaskteknikken trækker tråde til år 1756, hvor GJD blev grundlagt i Kolding, og som siden da har produceret kvalitetstekstiler med lang levetid. Mønsteret opstår, fordi damaskbindingen skaber blanke og matte overflader, hvori lyset enten reflekteres eller brydes.


"I dream of working broadly and experimentally with textile craftsmanship, materials, patterns, and colors, as well as contributing quality and beauty to the world."
In the spring, mostly unappreciated wildflowers sprout along the Danish ditches. Based on the doctrine "the tablecloth as a woven work of art", the designer has wanted to create a bond between the flora of the roadside and the home, and she has therefore created a series of damask tablecloths for Georg Jensen Damask (GJD). The damask technique traces its roots back to the year 1756, when GJD was founded in Kolding; since that time the company has produced quality textiles with a long lifespan. The pattern stands out because the damask binding creates glossy and matte surfaces in which the light is either reflected or refracted.


Selma Bækkeskov Momme

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