Afgangsprojekt by Kornelia Pap og Greta Astover



Kornelia Pap og Greta Astover
Line of study
Design for Planet
Fashion Design
Textile Design
Project type


I lyset af den grønne omstilling eksperimenterer virksomheder med at omdanne ’dødt materiale’ til innovative modekreationer. I samarbejde med Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design har designerne arbejdet med overflader og brug af naturlige farvestoffer i dead stocks fra det ungarske modebrand Nanushka. Ved at manipulere materialernes overflader har de skabt unikke teksturer og mønstre. Projektet genbruger materialer, som ellers ville blive kasseret, og bidrager dermed til at skabe en mere bæredygtig og cirkulær modeøkonomi. In light of the green transition, companies are experimenting with transforming 'dead material' into innovative fashion creations. In collaboration with the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, the designers have worked with surfaces and the use of natural dyes in dead stocks from the Hungarian fashion brand Nanushka. By manipulating the surfaces of the materials, they have created unique textures and patterns. The project recycles materials that would otherwise be discarded and hence contributes to creating a more sustainable and circular fashion economy.


Kornelia Pap


Grete Astover

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