
Theresa Höller
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design
Project type
SOS Children's Village, Austria


"Jeg har altid elsket at skabe, forestille mig muligheder og hvordan ting kan blive bedre – gennem engagement med mennesker og lytte til deres historier."

Børn fra udsatte familie har ofte svært ved at sætte ord på, hvad de føler. Til gengæld falder det dem naturligt at udtrykke sig kreativt. I samarbejde med SOS Børnebyerne i Østrig har designeren skabt en ramme, hvor børn - sammen med pædagoger - kan udtrykke sig gennem brug af materialer. Formålet er at åbne op for dybere samtaler om svære situationer, og på en legende og positiv måde fremme børnenes sociale og følelsesmæssig udvikling. Det understøtter også forholdet mellem dem og pædagogerne.


” I always loved to create, imagine what could be possible and how things can be made better – through engaging with people and listening to their stories.”

Children from disadvantaged families often struggle to articulate their feelings in words. However, they naturally find it easier to express themselves creatively. In collaboration with SOS Children's Villages in Austria, the designer has created a framework where children, together with educators, can express themselves using materials. The purpose is to facilitate deeper conversations about challenging situations and, in a playful and positive manner, promote the children's social and emotional development. It also supports the relationship between them and the educators.


Theresa Höller

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