Afgangsprojekt by Tiia Maria Jaakkola



Tiia Maria Jaakkola
Line of study
Design for Planet
Fashion Design
Project type
Røde Kors
Red Cross


”Jeg ser min fremtid inden for bæredygtige løsninger inden for mode design og forskning - jeg ønsker at kombinere den digitale og analoge verden i mit arbejde."

Inspirationen til denne kønsneutrale afgangskollektion er fundet i Hip Hop genrens 50-års jubilæum og kombinerer stilen med elementer fra jakkesættet. Kollektionen er udelukkende fremstillet af denim fra usolgte genbrugs-jeans fra Røde Kors, som var i stykker, og derfor ellers var blevet destrueret. Det digitale designværktøj Clo3D er anvendt for at minimere materialespild og for at sikre potentialet for senere upcycling.

Designeren har brugt designprocessen til at bearbejde traumerne efter et overfald, og hvert outfit i kollektionen fortæller en del af historien.


“I see my future in digital fashion and sustainable fashion design solutions and research work - I want to combine the digital and analog worlds in my work.”

The inspiration for this gender-neutral graduation collection was found in the 50th anniversary of the Hip Hop genre, combining the style with elements from the suit. The collection is made entirely of denim from unsold, recycled jeans that were torn or otherwise destroyed, acquired from the Red Cross. The digital design tool Clo3D was used in order to minimize material waste and to ensure the potential for later upcycling.

The designer has used the design process to deal with the trauma of an assault, and each outfit in the collection tells a part of the story.

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