Afgangsprojekt by Aja X. X. J. Harder, Iben Cecilie Buch Nielsen, Kristine Melton



Aja X. X. J. Harder, Iben Cecilie Buch Nielsen, Kristine Melton
Line of study
Industrial Design
Industrial Design
Project type

No Title

”Vi arbejder for at samle mennesker, og give et trygt rum at samtale i”

I anledning af åbningen af ENIGMA - Museum for Post-, Tele- og Kommunikation, har de tre designere udviklet et møbel, hvis formål er at skabe plads til dialog og pause. Møblet giver mulighed for en komfortabel pause mellem museets udstillinger, hvor man kan nyde kunstværker eller udsigten over Fælledparken og bylivet. Samtidig skal møblet give mulighed for dialog omkring det, man har set og oplevet på museet, samt diskussion på tværs af aldersgrupper. Møblet kan på sigt blive et ikon for den gode dialog på ENIGMA.


"We work to bring people together and provide a safe space for conversation"

Celebrating the opening of the ENIGMA – Museum for Post, Tele and Communication, the three designers have developed a piece of furniture the purpose of which is to create space for dialogue and contemplation. This piece of furniture offers a comfortable interruption in between the museum's exhibitions, where you can enjoy works of art or the view over the Fælledparken and city life. In addition the piece of furniture provides an opportunity for dialogue about what you have just seen and experienced at the museum, as well as discussions across age groups. In the long term the piece may become an icon for the good dialogue at ENIGMA.

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