Afgangsprojekt by Alexander Vejlgaard Kristensen



Alexander Vejlgaard Kristensen
Line of study
Fashion Design
Project type


"I have always loved being creative, so the dream is to be able to spend my everyday life doing just that."

Asger Jorn lavede i 1959 en udstilling baseret på sine såkaldte ’modifikationer’ – en serie af malerier, han købte på et loppemarked i Paris, malede videre på dem, og gav ny værdi til noget gammelt og outdated. Serien var ligeledes Jorns kritisk kommentar til den kommercielle del af den daværende kunstverden. Designeren har taget afsæt i Jorns idé om ’modifikationer’, og undersøgt 1950-ernes franske mode og hvordan man kan givet tøjet ny værdi ved at benytte Jorns dogmer.

In 1959, the renowned Danish painter, Asger Jorn, opened an exhibition based on his so-called ‘modifications’ – a series of paintings he bought at a flea market in Paris and continued painting on them, thus granting new value to something old and outdated. In addition, the series was Jorn's critical commentary on the commercialism of the art world at the time. The designer has taken Jorn's idea of ‘modifications’ as a starting point and explored the 1950s’ French fashion and how to give clothes a new value by applying Jorn's dogmas.

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