
Sara Behr Ludvig
Line of study
Project type


"As a textile designer, I want to be mindful of the world for which I create. It is important for me to be familiar with the craft traditions on whose shoulders I stand, and I see it as a privilege to be able to help interpret them and renew them.”

På Færøerne siger man, at man kan opleve alle fire årstider på én dag. Igennem flere hundrede år har denne foranderlighed og naturens dominans været et uundgåeligt livsvilkår for færinger. Med udgangspunkt i denne foranderlighed, i menneskets levned i og med naturen og i traditionelle håndværk som strik og broderi har designeren skabt ARV – en serie bestående af tre håndstrikkede sjaler, dedikeret til kvinderne, som designeren tilskriver sin færøske kulturarv.

In the Faroe Islands, as the saying goes, you can experience all four seasons in one day. For hundreds of years, this changeability and the supremacy of nature have been inescapable conditions of life for the Faroese. Based on this unpredictability of human life, in and with nature as well as in traditional crafts such as knitting and embroidery, the designer has created ARV (Heritage) – a range consisting of three hand-knitted shawls, dedicated to the women to whom the designer attributes her Faroese cultural heritage.

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