Afgangsprojekt by Henriette Hjortshøj



Henriette Hjortshøj
Line of study
Design for Planet
Accessory Design
Project type
Center for Bæredygtige Hospitaler
Aarhus Universitetshospital
Regionshospitalet Randers


Sundhedssektoren i Danmark er ansvarlig for over seks procent af landets udledning af CO2, og det er to procentpoint højere end verdensgennemsnittet.  Med øje for et højt potentiale for forbedring undersøger designeren cirkulære principper og muligheder for at optimere sortering og genanvendelse af de ressourcerige materialer, der bliver kasseret på operationsafdelingerne i Region Midtjylland. Der er lagt vægt på enkelhed og fleksibilitet, så sorteringsløsningerne kan passe ind i de klinisk stramme og omskiftelige rammer på operationsafdelingerne.


The health sector in Denmark is responsible for more than six percent of the country's CO2 emissions, and that is two percentage points above the world average. Eyeing the high potential for improvement, the designer investigates circular principles and the opportunities for optimization of the sorting and recycling process related to the resource-rich materials that are discarded in the departments of surgery at the hospitals of the Central Jutland region. The emphasis is on simplicity and flexibility in order that the sorting solutions can fit smoothly into the clinically tight and changeable framework of the surgery departments.

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